Between 16 and 20 June 2015 Vreerwerk will again organise a series of webinars on transgender and intersex developments on the human rights level. We will hold three webinars of two hours on the following themes: Recent developments in the European trans* and intersex theatre. Where do they stand rights-wise? What can we learn from …
Tag Archives: trans
Hoe zit het met gender?
Velen houden er een beperkt en verouderd idee op na wat gender is, hoe het werkt en hoe het interacteert met sekse en seksualiteit. Op deze plaats wil ik een recenter en beter kloppend idee neerzetten hoe het dan wél zit met gender. Hoe zit dat nou met gender en hoe verhoudt het zich tot …
Reading between the lines
International Day for Trans Depathologization, interview with Mauro Cabral, co-director of Global Activists for Trans* Equality The news announces it this way: “For the first time in history, the World Health Organization (WHO) will throw out transsexuality from the chapter on ‘Mental and Behavioral Disorders’”. But (full) depathologization of gender diversity still seems a remote …
Trans*, health and human rights
Trans people are seriously disadvantaged by not having accessible trans specific health care. As by not being able to access regular health care because of transphobia and discrimination. Vreerwerk keeps writing and talking about trans health and trans* people’s access to health care. Be it general health care or trans specific. With much discrimination – whether …
Zorg is van belang, niet “gender dysforie”
Genderzorg hoeft niet gebonden te zijn aan ontrechte psychiatrische diagnoses. De meeste mensen hebben die ook niet nodig. Daarin lopenmedische processen en de WPATH Standards of Carre 7 achter. Dat blijkt ook uit een inteview dat Mare Van Hove had in het Belgische holebitijdschrift Zizo met de Gentse endocrinoloog Guy T’Sjoen.
Praktische oplossingen voor patiëntenstop VUmc
Sinds januari neemt het VUmc geen nieuwe trans*-patiënten meer aan, want daar hebben ze geen geld voor. De regering heeft de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa) ingeschakeld voor een analyse van de situatie.
Gender dysphoria
When someone is diagnosed with gender dysphoria you are already ‘too late’. Damage is already done then, the person developed “gender stress”. Now the job is relieve the stress without imposing roles or assuming identities. This is the more true where it concerns minors. Gender teams have a morbid focus on an imposed psychiatric disorder. …
Training in trans* and intersex rights
From the beginning of 2014 Vreerwerk will offer a training in human rights with a focus on transgender and intersex issues. This course aims at staff of government and inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, students and activists interested in trans* and intersex issues that need a basis in human rights for their work, but are not …
Trans in the head
Earlier I argued that trans* is not a disorder and that the problem is more likely with transphobia than with gender variation. I showed how much we are stuck in binary thinking that needs to get rid of its expectations of universality. A way out may lie in the concept of “fuzzy sets”. In the future, trans …
Spanish trans activists start hunger strike
From midnight tonight six trans* activists In Andalusia, Spain will start a permanent hunger strike until either the bill for better trans legislation that is stuck, will be really introduced in Parliament or until they die.