Are the Netherlands about to abolish gender registration?

One might be tempted to think so, following the recent developments. First they liberalise the gender change legislation for trans people. Then the Justice Ministry orders an investigation into the issues with binary gender registration. Now an expert meeting will take place and conservative government party VVD calls for abolition plans to presented next year …

Spanish trans activists start hunger strike

From midnight tonight six trans* activists In Andalusia, Spain will start a permanent hunger strike until either the bill for better trans legislation that is stuck, will be really introduced in Parliament or until they die.


This post highlights some nasty details hiding in the shades of the current Dutch transgender bill, as imposed upon Dutch trans people by obscure deliberations between the Justice ministry and the gender teams. Where informed consent on the one hand is the only criterion for LGR, the gender teams through a back door still have their say …

Legal gender recognition in the Netherlands – an update

As you may have seen on the social media already, or on trans mailing-lists: change in Dutch gender recognition legislation just took a big leap this afternoon of 9 April 2013. Already five years ago Dutch trans people contacted the minister for Emancipation (and Education, Science and Culture) complaining about the ridiculous and human rights …

Fucked up lip service

The proposal for change of the existing gender recognition legislation in the Netherlands is out. This proposal will be debated on the floor. It is – as the previous version – not good enough. Actually it hardly changed since last time we saw it. The news came in the mail. An update of the website of the Justice and Security ministry. …

Brief genderkenning aan Kamercommissie

Onderstaande brief is vandaag namens en Vreerwerk de deur uitgegaan naar de vaste Kamercommissie Veiligheid en Justitie die totenmet volgende week donderdag 13 december vragen aan het departement mag sturen  voor verbetering van het wetsontwerp voor de Nederlandse wet op de gendererkenning (geslachtswijziging) Aan: Leden van de Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie   Kopie aan: …