Training in trans* and intersex rights

From the beginning of 2014 Vreerwerk will offer a training in human rights with a focus on transgender and intersex issues. This course aims at staff of government and inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, students and activists interested in trans* and intersex issues that need a basis in human rights for their work, but are not looking for an expensive academic course. It is our experience that many people who want to engage in this work, do not know well where to start and have only limited knowledge of how to use relevant human rights tools to advance their trans* or inter* related issues from a human rights perspective. We want to help change this. Vreerwerk have ample experience in teaching about trans* and inter* issues from a human rights perspective. From 2009 on we gained hands on experience by participating in the CEDAW and UPR process for the Netherlands. Participating in discussions and specific education gave us further the tools to develop this course.


Learning objectives

At the end of the course participants will have gained knowledge and awareness of the international human rights systems. They will understand how trans* and intersex issues are human rights issues and be aware of the most recent developments on international and European level. Also they will have gained experience with using the body of human rights work for trans and intersex related advocacy.

The training covers the following themes and more:

  • The international Human Rights system (United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union, other systems)
  • Sex, gender identity and expression and the human rights system
  • How trans* and intersex issues human rights are covered
  • Yogyakarta principles and their usability
  • Local implementation and advocacy
  • Issues around sexual orientation do not form part of this course, but will be touched where intersecting

“Trans* and intersex and human rights” is a course that can be offered in different formats. Either a weekend on location (in principle we work from Amsterdam), or as an online course, with themed webinars. The course is given in English or Dutch (with English language material). The online course will also contain selected topics of human rights literature. 

The training is priced as follows:

Two day training in Amsterdam:

  • For students, individual activists we charge a fee of €225 (185,95 ex VAT)
  • Organisations we charge €480 (€396,69 ex VAT)
  • Organisations pay more to enable the participation of unemployed and studying participants. Small organisations with very little funding fall under the lower fee.
  • The trainings can only start with at least ten registered participants.

Training on location elsewhere (in the Netherlands or abroad) is possible. Practical information

  • Two weekend days: Saturday end Sunday
  • Venue: IIRE, Lombokstraat 40, 1094 AL AMSTERDAM
  • Coffee and tea included
  • Teaching materials (notebook, pen) included
  • In Amsterdam accomodation is offered at a price addition (€25 pppn)
  • Includes evening program on the Saturday night


Also an online training will be offered to provide an opportunity for international participants not residing in the Netherlands an online version through webinars. This will take the form of five themed weekly sessions of two hours each. The chosen software solution is platform independent. Requirements are access to a modern computer with internet connection and audiovisual capabilities (Microphone, speakers, video, PDF reader). The online training comes at €175 incl VAT for the whole course. Companies and institutions pay €420 incl VAT.


  • For the live training and the online training alike: a good written and spoken command of English (working language of the training).
  • For the online course: a stable interntet connection with  a computer (preferably desktop or laptop) with audiovisual equipment (microphone, webcam, speakers/headphones) and a PDF reader plus a word processor.

Upon finishing the training the participant will receive a certificate of participation with mention of the topics treated.

Upon finishing the training the participant will receive a certificate of participation with a listing of the topics treated. For inquiries please contact us by mail at, through Linkedin or our Facebook page

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