Online course sex, gender, sexuality and human rights

I am happy to announce that I will be teaching a course on Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity with HREA soon.

From 10 April to 21 May I will be the course instructor for a course that I designed on human rights with regard to sex, sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. The title is somewhat shorter, but all five aspects will get their required attention. It will be a course with several articles per week on specific subtopics like the history of human rights for LGBTI  people, where it exists, in which fields and regions it is difficult  What is the philosophy behind accepting or refusing the application of the human rights system on people that do not conform to the sex, gender or sexuality norms.


This certificate course analyses the rights regarding sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. These human rights are not acknowledged for people who, for one reason or another, do not (want to) belong to the recognised and legitimised constructions of sex, gender and sexuality. Since the public political struggle for equal rights for gays and lesbians took off in the global North (1965 and 1969 in the USA; local less known actions also) and later for different reasons in the global South and East, the struggle is globalising. A coalition of NGOs and activists now is influencing the UN and other, regional bodies like the Organization of American States, European Union, Council of Europe, African Union … In 2007 the Yogyakarta Principles were adopted, growing into soft law, the OHCHR released a report on global discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. These developments and documents will form the basis for this course on human rights and sex, sexual orientation and gender identity and will be discussed more in depth.

Course outline

Week 1: Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights
Week 2: Participation: freedom of association, expression, assembly
Week 3: Access: health, education, employment
Week 4: Protection: violence, asylum
Week 5: Privacy: family relations, legal gender recognition
Week 6: Implementation of legal standards, complaint mechanisms

For technical and price  information see the HREA website

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